July 16, 2024

Introducing Our Newest Team Members: WestWater Welcomes Summer Analysts

We are thrilled to announce the addition of our new summer analysts to the team! Join us in welcoming Josh, Emma, Tommy, Raneem, and Ben, who bring a wealth of knowledge and a shared passion for water economics, sustainability, and resource management. Each of our new associates has a unique background and a compelling story that underscores their commitment to understanding and addressing the complexities of water markets.  Stay tuned for updates on their journey and the incredible research projects they are working on this summer!

Josh Charfauros  – Phoenix, Arizona


Josh is a third-year student at UC Santa Barbara, double majoring in Statistics & Data Science (B.S.) and Applied Mathematics (B.S.), with an anticipated graduation in June 2025. He has always had a keen interest in finance and data analysis. An avid surfer with a love for the ocean, Josh finds a natural intersection of his passions in water markets.

“Water is one of our Earth’s most crucial resources, and proper management and usage of water is of utmost importance in our day and age. Knowing that my work at WestWater will have a tangible effect on people’s lives and well-being is a very rewarding feeling,” said Josh.

He is excited about the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the finance industry and is confident that his skills will meet the needs of WestWater. Josh is eager to learn more about the intricacies of water market trading, water valuation techniques, and to enhance his overall financial literacy.


Emma Fortman – Ft. Collins, Colorado


Emma recently graduated from Colorado State University with a major in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics and a minor in Sustainable Water. Her interest in water stems from its significant role at the intersection of agriculture and the environment, as well as the trade-offs that arise due to the limited water supplies in the West.

“I have enjoyed learning about Colorado water law and economics in school and am excited to be involved in the work WestWater is doing across the state and beyond. Conducting research relevant to my community is incredibly rewarding, and I am excited for the opportunity to do so with WestWater,” said Emma.


Tommy Hubbard – Sacramento, California


Tommy graduated from Chico State in May with undergraduate degrees in International Relations and Economics. “I am particularly drawn to the interdisciplinary nature of natural resource economics, advocating for communication and cooperation across various fields to find solutions to pressing water-related challenges. Water is the essence of life, and as a California native, I am excited to find solutions for my home state that address its scarcity and management,” said Tommy.

His interest in water economics grew through close collaboration with the natural resource economics faculty at Chico and learning from prominent water economists in California.


Raneem Iftekhar – Sacramento, California


Raneem is a third-year student at the University of California, Berkeley, pursuing a B.S. in Environmental Economics and Policy with a minor in Geospatial Information Sciences. Her childhood, influenced by her mother’s work for a water agency in Sonoma County, along with her experience in international policy work addressing climate change’s effects on groundwater, and her involvement in various research projects related to western water rights at Berkeley, has led her to this summer intern position.

“Natural Resource economics at the university level is largely theoretical and has started a personal curiosity with the kind of data that WestWater provides and that academic institutions often work with. I am excited to have this opportunity and to be here this summer to learn from experts in the water market and build on the skills needed for useful economic analysis,” said Raneem.


Ben Morrisroe – Ft. Collins, Colorado


Ben recently graduated from Colorado State University with a B.S. in Agricultural Business and a minor in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. Growing up in an agricultural family in California, Ben quickly realized the significant role natural resources play in our industries, communities, and daily lives.

“I am more than excited to have this opportunity to learn about water markets, their drivers, and the role WestWater plays in the industry. I am hoping to gain insights into the water market and help others navigate this market in an efficient and effective way,” said Ben.