July 18, 2016

The Water Report Features the 2016 Tribal Water Summit
Over the past four decades, tribal water rights have continued to be resolved to provide tribes in the Western states with firm quantities of water to use on their reservation lands and also to lease off-reservation. The quantified but under-utilized water rights of tribes represent an important and often over-looked aspect of Western water management. These tribal water marketing transactions provide a means for reallocating water throughout the West so that it will be put to the most valuable uses. The recent article released by The Water Report, gives some context for tribal water marketing, looking at common tribal perspectives towards marketing their hard-fought water rights and how tribal water marketing has come to be utilized. The story of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes is presented as a case study in tribal water marketing.
The Water Report provides some context for tribal water marketing, looking at common tribal perspectives towards marketing their hard-fought water rights and how tribal water marketing has come to be utilized. While realizing that every tribe has unique circumstances, the story of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes is presented as a case study in tribal water marketing.